Friday, July 15, 2011

Day 9

Sorry there was no post until now.Dale and I had to leave Boston at 7:30 this morning for a family emergency.Everything turned out well, but we didn't know until we were more than half way home.We got home around 12:45 we had a very long ride. I hope everyone enjoyed them.Thanks for following along with us.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 8 Ogunquit Maine

Today was our last day with Tony and Monica,before they left we stopped in Ogunquit and walked on the marginal Way. We also walked into the ocean the water was very cold. We had a great time traveling with Tony and Monica hope to do it again,

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Old Man of the Sea

We stopped by to see the statue of the Old Man of the Sea. This is a memorial for the sailors that were lost at sea.


our last stop of the day was Rockport Maine. This is where they have a red barn that they say is the most painted barn. It is a cool place.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011


When in Maine you eat lobster.Bernie was the only one to eat it. I sat next to him and I know one thing I will never eat lobster.

Day 8 Rain

This is the way the day started out. RAIN when Dale opened the door of our motel room this is what he seen. I didn't even know it was raining ,we all just put our rain gear on and traveled on.

Windsor Chairmakers

While we were on our ride today we passed a barn where they make the Windsor chairs.We got to go through their workshop and see how they made them and then we went into the showroom and seen how expensive they are. The highboy that they made was 10,000 and the chairs were over 1000.